
Overview: The following project aims to programmatically retrieve and analyze all of Elon Musk’s tweets from the Twitter API. We compile over 10,000 of Musk’s tweets into a comprehensive dataset and perform sentiment analysis for each tweet object.

Elon Musk @elonmusk
Mars & Cars, Chips & Dips
Joined June 2009
18.92 K 118 102.8 M
Tweets Following Followers

Elon Musk, who transformed the electric car industry and accelerated the world’s space exploration efforts, provides the public an unfiltered look into his eccentric mind through his online Twitter presence. With more than 77 million followers, Musk is one of the most followed Twitter accounts, with each of his tweets getting thousands of shares, likes, and comments. Musk tweets frequently every day, covering a wide range of topics from technical ideas to lighthearted memes. Some of his tweets have a significant impact, making headlines, instigating controversy, and sometimes pushing the needle on everything from Tesla’s stock price to cryptocurrency markets. The companies that Musk runs are also hugely influential and disruptive.

To better understand Musk’s Twitter profile, we programmatically retrieve and analyze all of Elon Musk’s tweets using the rtweet package, which provides a convenient interface between the Twitter API and R code. We compiled over 10,000 of his tweets into a comprehensive dataset. Once we scraped a decade worth of Elon Musk tweets, we analyzed the data and sorted the information to answer the following questions.

  1. (tweet types) What is the ratio of mentions, replies, retweets, quotes, and organic tweets?
  2. (user engagement) How does Elon Musk engage with other twitter users?
  3. (twitter activity) Are there any trends of when Musk tweets?
  4. (topics) What are Elon Musk’s most tweeted topics?

Data Description

Using the Twitter API, we compile over 10,000 of Musk’s tweets into a comprehensive dataset. The dataset contains all of Elon Musk’s tweets from 2015 to 2022, stored in RDS format, where each tweet is in its separate row object. All Tweets are collected, parsed, and plotted using rtweet in R.

Data Set Variables
1 status_id 14 hashtags 27 quoted_followers_count 40 retweet_location
2 created_at 15 symbols 28 quoted_location 41 retweet_description
3 user_id 16 media_expanded_url 29 quoted_description 42 retweet_verified
4 screen_name 17 media_type 30 quoted_verified 43 name
5 text 18 mentions_screen_name 31 retweet_status_id 44 location
6 source 19 quoted_status_id 32 retweet_text 45 description
7 reply_to_screen_name 20 quoted_text 33 retweet_created_at 46 followers_count
8 is_quote 21 quoted_created_at 34 retweet_source 47 friends_count
9 is_retweet 22 quoted_source 35 retweet_favorite_count 48 statuses_count
10 favorite_count 23 quoted_favorite_count 36 retweet_retweet_count 49 account_created_at
11 retweet_count 24 quoted_retweet_count 37 retweet_user_id 50 verified
12 quote_count 25 quoted_user_id 38 retweet_screen_name
13 reply_count 26 quoted_screen_name 39 retweet_followers_count

Twitter API

To get the data for the Twitter account, we must first register a developer account and create an application with the necessary credentials to access the Twitter API. After setting up the application, we generate an authentication key and use the following commands to create a Twitter token that allows access to Twitter data.

library(rtweet) # load rtweet package
twitter_token <- create_token(app = "twitter_app", consumer_key = "api_key", consumer_secret = "api_secret", access_token = "access_token", access_secret = "access_secret")
use_oauth_token(twitter_token) # authenticate via web browser

Searching Twitter’s full archive API with the rtweet package, we run the search_fullarchive() function to access and extract the complete historical information of all the tweets associated with a particular user. We can then save these excerpted tweets to an RDS file. The sample code below captures Elon Musk’s tweets from January 01, 2010, to May 28, 2022.

df <- search_fullarchive(q = "from:elonmusk", n = 10000, env_name = enviroment_name, fromDate = "201001010000", toDate = "202205280000")
Data Set Preview:
created_at screen_name text favorite_count retweet_count quote_count reply_count is_quote is_retweet
2022-08-04 19:23:21 elonmusk Livestream the 2022 Annual Tesla Shareholder Meeting today at 4:30pm CT 0 0 0 0 FALSE TRUE
2022-08-04 18:04:12 elonmusk (garyblack00?) I had more kids in Q2 than they made cars! 58736 3593 1115 3173 FALSE FALSE
2022-08-04 16:24:08 elonmusk (dogeofficialceo?) (chicago_glenn?) (mySA?) (happydad?) Stone of Destiny 2935 178 30 436 FALSE FALSE

Storing Data in Databricks

Optionally, we can load the Twitter API data into a data management system, such as Azure Databricks, and write queries to run a SQL job and retrieve the data. From the Azure portal, we create and launch a Databricks workspace, establish a Spark cluster, and configure a notebook on the cluster. In the notebook, we use SparkR to read the dataset into a Spark DataFrame and run a SQL job to query the data.

Azure Databricks is an analytics platform based on Microsoft Azure cloud services, enabling the latest versions of Apache Spark: an open-source engine providing large-scale APIs in general-purpose programming languages such as Scala, Python, and R. Specifically, Databricks provides a cloud-based interactive workspace with fully managed Spark clusters, allowing users to quickly execute Spark code in a easy-to-use environment.

Querying Twitter Data

When working with Twitter data, one of the first steps is distinguishing organic, user-written tweets from other tweet categories: retweets, replies, mentions, and quotes. By interpreting the tweet type ratio, we can glimpse into the general overview of a user’s Twitter feed and account type.

Query 1. Tweet Types

  • What is the ratio of tweet types: mentions, replies, retweets, quotes, and organic tweets?

The different types of tweets that exist are general tweets, mentions, replies, retweets, and quotes. General tweets are original Twitter posts that include text, photos, GIFs, and videos but do not include mentions, replies, retweets, or quotes. Both mentions and replies are tweets containing other account usernames, though replies are specific tweets sent directly to another user’s tweets. Lastly, retweets and quotes are re-postings of another person’s tweets, although quotes allow users to post another tweet with their own added comment.

As a first step, we distinguish between organic tweets, retweets, and replies. With the data collected through the Twitter API, we can use specific columns such as is_retweet and reply_to_status_id to determine the tweet type. The following command removes retweets and replies from the data to keep only organic/generic tweets.

# Remove retweets and replies
dfGeneral <- df[df$is_retweet == FALSE,] %>% subset(

Similarly, we want to create a different dataset for each data type.

dfMention <- subset(df, !$mentions_user_id))
dfReply <- subset(df, !$reply_to_status_id))
dfRtweet <- df[df$is_retweet == TRUE,]
dfQuote <- df[df$is_quote == TRUE,]

In the above, we subset the tweets into five datasets containing only general tweets, mentions, replies, retweets, or quotes. We then count the number of observations for each dataset using the nrow() function and store the information in a separate data frame containing the tweet types and their corresponding counts.

Now, for example, we can show information for each of Musk’s retweets and query the data to obtain his most frequently retweeted users. To identify the most frequently retweeted users, we use tidyr tools to unnest, count, and sort each user from Musk’s retweets.

Query 2. Mentions

  • How does Elon Musk engage with other twitter users?

To track Elon Musk’s engagement with people on Twitter, we want to look into tweets containing conversations with and directed to other users. We begin by unpacking information for each of Musk’s tweets that mention another person’s username. Specifically, mentions are a type of tweet containing other account usernames, preceded by the “@” symbol.

created_at mentions_user_id mentions_screen_name text
2022-07-27 01:40:54 x924966648922157056 x593977467 x42555311 x16831353 chicago_glenn michaelsiconolf KirstenGrind EmilyGlazer (chicago_glenn?) (michaelsiconolf?) (KirstenGrind?) (EmilyGlazer?) 99% of journalism is reading someone else’s story on the Internet, changing it up a little & pressing send
2022-08-01 17:28:24 x1492510878323081216 spideycyp_155 (spideycyp_155?) So much water under the bridge since then
2022-08-04 16:19:18 x924966648922157056 x9830752 x38672574 chicago_glenn mySA happydad (chicago_glenn?) (mySA?) (happydad?) Yeah, pretty good. I like the name.

As shown above, tweets can mention more than one user in the body of the text. Therefore, we have to process the data so that each user mentioned in the tweet is recorded in a separate row so that we can count the total number of times Musk mentioned a unique user.

dfMentions %>% tibble(user = str_extract_all(text, "@\\w+")) %>%
  tidyr::unnest_longer(user) %>% dplyr::count(user, sort = TRUE)

The above command uses the str_extract_all() function to extract the mentioned users for each tweet and unnest_longer() to transform the nested lists into tidy rows so that each row contains only one user. Lastly, we count the total number of observations for each unique user.

screen_name n mention_time mention_time2
spacex 1323
tesla 1050
erdayastronaut 705
ppathole 474
flcnhvy 470
teslaownerssv 459
wholemarsblog 384
teslarati 351
nasa 264
cleantechnica 217

Linking conversations together, a reply is a type of tweet sent directly to another user’s tweet. Analogous to mentions, replies allow users to direct tweets toward other Twitter users and interact in conversations. Continuing the same general procedure above, we get the following results.

Query 3. Twitter Activity

  • Are there any trends of when Elon Musk tweets?

Here, we provide an overview of Musk’s Twitter activity by analyzing the frequency of tweets by timeframes such as year, month, weekday, hour, and time of day. Parsing the information from the created_at column, we extract timestamps to display the year, month, day, and hour of each tweet’s posting date.

df$created_at <- to_timestamp(df$created_at)
df$year <- year(df$created_at)
df$month <- date_format(to_date(df$created_at), "MMMM")
df$weekday <- date_format(to_date(df$created_at), "EEEE")
created_at year month weekday time
2021-11-10 17:06:52 2021 November Wednesday evening
2021-07-29 02:37:39 2021 July Thursday night
2020-11-09 01:55:55 2020 November Monday night
2020-08-04 07:41:11 2020 August Tuesday morning
2020-01-19 15:25:07 2020 January Sunday afternoon
2019-11-24 21:13:25 2019 November Sunday night

The above data allows us to explore Musk’s Twitter usage, ranging from the frequency of tweets over years to which days of the week or hours of the day have more or less activity. As a result, we see that Musk is most active on Thursdays and Fridays, mostly tweeting at night.

We can go even deeper and look at the exact time and day of the week in which Musk has the most activity posting tweets with a detailed histogram. Consistent with our previous results, we see the most activity on Thursdays at 6 pm.

Query 4. Tweet Topics

  • What are Elon Musk’s most tweeted topics?

Continuing to analyze Musk’s habits on Twitter, we want to know which topics dominate Musk’s Twitter feed. To get such topics and themes of the user content, we examine the most frequently used hashtags and words for all of Musk’s tweets. Extracting unique hashtags and words from a tweet requires text mining tasks.


We first extract hashtags, all words preceded with a # character, from the content of Musk’s tweets. The following command cleanses and unpacks the text of each tweet to get a string array containing only the hashtags. Then, we calculate the frequency of each unique hashtag.

hashtag <- df$text %>% str_extract_all("#[A-Za-z0-9_]+")
hashtag_word <- unlist(hashtag)
hashtag_word <- tolower(hashtag_word)
hashtag_word <- gsub("[[:punct:]ー]", "", hashtag_word)

Topic Words:

Next, let’s look at the words Musk mentioned the most in his tweets. We first clean up the text in the data by removing punctuation, URL links, and symbols, and use tools to convert the text into a tidy format. Then, we split the text into individual words and remove stop words.

# Regex for parsing tweets
replace_reg <- "https?://[^\\s]+|&amp;|&lt;|&gt;|\bRT\\b|^<"

# Clean text
words <- dfGeneral %>% 
    text = str_remove_all(text, replace_reg),
    text = str_remove_all(text, "[[:punct:]]"),
    text = str_remove_all(text, "[[:digit:]]")) %>%
  # Split into words
  unnest_tokens(word, text, token = "tweets") %>% 
  # Remove stop words
  anti_join(stop_words, by = "word")

In the above command, the pattern matching function str_remove_all() removes unwanted text, and the unnest_tokens() function splits the text of each tweet into tokens, using a one-word-per-row format. We then use the str_detect() function to filter out words by removing stop words, unicode characters, and whitespace.

Above, we used the unnest_tokens function to tokenize by word; however, we can also use these functions to tokenize into consecutive sequences of words, called n-grams. We do this by adding the option token = "ngrams" and setting \(n\) to the number of words. Setting n to \(2\) allows us to examine pairs of two consecutive words, often called bigrams.

bigrams <- dfGeneral %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(text = str_replace_all(text, replace_reg, "")) %>%
  # split into word pairs
  unnest_tokens(bigram, text, token = "ngrams", n = 2) %>%
  separate(bigram, into = c("first","second"), sep = " ", remove = FALSE) %>%
  # remove stop words
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c("first" = "word")) %>%
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c("second" = "word")) %>%
  filter(str_detect(first, "[a-z]") & str_detect(second, "[a-z]"))
name freq time_posted
tesla model 35
boring company 28
falcon heavy 26
space station 25
cape canaveral 22
climate change 19
tesla team 19
tesla owners 18
static fire 16
giga berlin 15

Sentiment Analysis

Here we use the syuzhet R package to iterate over a vector of strings consisting of the text from all of Elon Musk’s tweets in our dataset. To obtain the vector of tweet text, the plain_tweets() function from the rtweet package is used to clean up the tweets character vector to cleaned up, plain text. We then pass this vector to the get_sentiment() function, which consequently returns the sentiment values based on the custom sentiment dictionary developed from a collection of human coded sentences.

round_time <- function(x, secs)
  as.POSIXct(hms::round_hms(x, secs))
sent_scores <- function(x)
  syuzhet::get_sentiment(plain_tweets(x)) - .5

df.sentiment <- gfg_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(days = round_time(created_at, 60 * 60 * 24),
                sentiment = sent_scores(text)) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(days) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(sentiment = sum(sentiment, na.rm = TRUE))

Extending the above sentiment analysis, the next step is to understand the opinion or emotion in the text. First, we must clean the text from our dataset so that it’s in a tidy format. We accomplish this using the R function gsub() to replace unwanted text and the get_nrc_sentiment() function to get the emotions and valences from the NRC sentiment dictionary for each word from all of Musk’s tweet.

R Code:

txt <- c("rt|RT", "http\\w+", "<.*?>", "@\\w+", "[[:punct:]]", "\r?\n|\r", "[[:digit:]]", "[ |\t]{2,}", "^ ", " $")

cleanTweet <- as.vector(df$text)
cleanTweet <- grep::gsub(txt, "", cleanTweet)

textSentiment <- syuzhet::get_nrc_sentiment(cleanTweet)
nrc_sentiment <- cbind(df, textSentiment) %>% 
  dplyr::select(created_at, anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, 
                joy, sadness, surprise, trust, negative, positive)

In the above command, the gsub function replaces all occurrences of the given patterns and the get_nrc_sentiment function calculates the presence of eight different emotions and their corresponding valence. The resulting columns include the eight emotions disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust and their respective positive or negative valence.


This project showed how to extract and analyze twitter data using various essential packages in R. The above Twitter analytics report for Elon Musk’s tweets covered insights regarding Musk’s tweeting behavior, insights on the content of Musk’s tweets, and a sentiment analysis capturing the tone of the tweets.

The first question examines Musk’s tweet distribution, which we answer by sorting each tweet into categories (based on tweet types) and ranking each category based on the volume of tweets. Analyzing Musk’s nature of engagement, we answer the second question by unpacking tweets containing conversations with and directed to other users. To answer the third question, we investigate Musk’s Twitter activity by sorting his feed into different timeframes based on the publish date. Dissecting the topics that predominate his profile feed, we answer the fourth question by examining Musk’s most frequently used hashtags and words.



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